Llistar Títols per Autor "Pereira, J. S."

S'han trobat 4 ítems

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doc icon RACO 1992 The effect of individual tree shelters in growth and morphology of cork oak seedlings Tomé, J. ; Dias, A. S. ; Tavares, P. ; Nunes, Joan ; Pereira, J. S.
doc icon DUGiDocs 1992 The effect of individual tree shelters in growth and morphology of cork oak seedlings Tomé, J. ; Dias, A. S. ; Tavares, Paulo ; Nunes, Joan ; Pereira, J. S.
doc icon DUGiDocs 1992 Gradients of anatomy and morphology of leaves in the crowns of cork oak Nóbrega, C. M. ; Pereira, J. S.
doc icon RACO 1992 Gradients of anatomy and morphology of leaves in the crowns of cork oak Nóbrega, C. M. ; Pereira, J. S.

